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Crazy Democracy


We’re rolling in this circle,
Turn by turn as they pass the ball
We’re gliding trough the green fields of our nation
As a shallow rock 
A rock who’s a prisoner to their current .

We’re rolling in this circle 
On our destitute land
Ridged and destroyed by our hands
Ill minds and body 
Constitute the soul of our Nation.

We’re watching as they stump
Shoot, stump and shoot again
Woe unto you, 
The dark man killing the dark mind.

Like a striker we lay in wait as you plan your attack
Each goal to your score
Yet you denounce the goal
As an own goal 
E get why... who knows best???

We’re rolling on a field of tongues
through the fields
Drenched in the blood of her youths
It's only a crying child, you’d strike to swallow his voice
To smile and say thank you
Our hide is weak
Our air empty 
And our waters are red.

We’re rolling shading our skin
Unveilling the smelly contents of our stomach 
On a fertile land her feeds should be great.
Not weatered and left on the feeds as manure for weed.

”they said when the enemy of the state is the people she employs military arms to combat the menace, but who really is the state?
Is it the people,
The Army
Or the little few delegated to exercise the sovereignty of the state?
It would have been better to wake up to a coup than to sleep in a crazy Democracy.

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